
Coffee giants call on consumers to help change lives in Ethiopian communities

MISSISSAUGA, ON ,  April 22, 2015  /CNW/ – Starting on International  Earth Day  ( April 22 ), one of  North America’s leading coffee and tea companies is appealing to coffee drinkers to make the important connection between their morning brew and the people living in the world’s coffee growing regions. Over the past three years,  Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee  has made a significant investment to create the non-profit Water Wise Coffee™  program as part of the Canadian company’s broader commitment to sustainability. In some areas of the world, the wet milling process of extracting beans from the coffee cherries produces organic waste that can pollute local water supplies. The Water Wise Coffee™ program helps mill owners naturally filter water by using sustainable vetiver grass. In just 24 months, independent test results on the areas that have been treated by the program have shown dramatic improvement in water quality and living conditions for the people who depend on the riv

Icrisat to take up agri research in Ethiopian drylands

HYDERABAD, APRIL 25:   Hyderabad-headquartered International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and an Ethiopian institute will jointly work towards new approaches in the field of agricultural research and development in the drylands of the African country. Decisions on investments and new approaches were taken in a series of strategy meetings between ICRISAT and Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), held at Addis Ababa yesterday, ICRISAT said in a statement issued here. Priority international investments were launched during the meeting of ICRISAT Governing Board and key areas of work were identified, it said. The four areas with greatest opportunities were — intensification of legumes for better health of humans and environment, expanding cereal production by promoting industrial potential of sorghum and other millets, scaling up of watershed management for more intensive agriculture, and new approaches to help farmers manage climate var

በሀዋሳ ከተማ የተገነቡ የመሰረተ ልማት ተቋማት ተመረቁ

ሐዋሳ ሚያዚያ 17/2007 በሀዋሳ ከተማ የሚከናወኑ የልማት ስራዎች እንዲጠናከሩ የፌዴራል መንግስት የሚያደርገው ድጋፍ እንደሚቀጥል በምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ማዕረግ የፋይናንስና መልካም አስተዳደር ክላስተር ዘርፍ አስተባባሪና የመገናኛና ኢንፎርሜሽን ቴክኖሎጂ ሚንስትር አስታወቁ፡፡ በከተማዋ ከ1 ነጥብ 5 ቢሊዮን ብር በላይ በሆነ ወጪ የተገነቡ የተለያዩ የመሰረተ ልማት ተቋማት ዛሬ ተመርቀዋል፡፡ በምረቃ ስነስርዓቱ ላይ ሚንስትሩ ዶክተር ደብረጽዮን ገብረሚካኤል እንዳሉት በሀገሪቱ የሚገኙ ከተሞች ለኑሮና ለስራ ምቹ እንዲሆኑ ለማድረግ የመሰረተ ልማት ተቋማት መስፋፋት የጎላ አስተዋጽኦ አላቸው፡፡ መንግስት ለዘርፉ ልማት በሰጠው ትኩረት  ባለፉት አመታት በርካታ ተግባራት ተከናውነዋል፡፡ በፈጣን እድገት ላይ የምትገኘው ሀዋሳ በመሰረተ ልማት አቅርቦት መስክ እየተከናወኑ ያሉ ተግባራት በተለያዩ መስኮች መሰማራት ለሚፈልጉ ባለሀብቶች ምቹ ሁኔታ መፈጠሩን ተናግረዋል፡፡ መንግስት በከተሞች ፈጣን ልማት ለማምጣት የሚያስችሉ የተለያዩ ተግባራት እያከናወነ እንደሚገኝ ጠቁመው በቅርቡ የመሰረት ድንጋይ የተጣለለት የኢንደስትሪ ፓርክ ፣ ከሞጆ ሀዋሳ የሚገነባው የፍጥነት መንገድ ፣ የሀዋሳ አለም አቀፍ አየር ማረፊያና የባቡር መስመር ለከተማዋ ዕድገት መፋጠን ከፍተኛ አስተዋጽኦ እንደሚኖራቸው ገልጸዋል፡፡ በከተማው የሚገነባው የኢንደስትሪ ፓርክ ከፍተኛ የኤሌክትሪክ ሀይል የሚፈልግ በመሆኑና እድገትን ተከትሎ የሀይል ፍላጎት በመጨመሩ መንግስት ከፍተኛ በጀት መድቦ የኤሌክትሪክ አቅርቦቱን ለማሳደግ የሚያስችል የማስፋፊያ ግንባታ እያካሄደ ነው፡፡ የማስፋፊያ ግንባታው ሲጠናቀቅ የኤሌክትሪክ ሀይል መቆራረጥን ችግር ሙሉ በሙሉ ማስቀረት እንደሚያስችል ሚኒስትሩ ተናግረዋል፡፡

Britain's Youngest Organ Donor 'Died A Hero'

By Yahoo News The parents of Britain's youngest organ donor say their son "lived and died a hero" after the infant's kidneys saved the life of a patient with renal failure. Doctors told mother Jess Evans during her 12th week of pregnancy that one of the twin sons she was carrying suffered a fatal condition which stops the brain and skull from developing. She and her fiance Mike Houlston were told their baby would either be stillborn or die shortly after birth. In an interview with the Daily Mirror, the couple from Cardiff said they decided to allow the infant's kidneys and heart valves to be donated to save the lives of others. The twins, Teddy and Noah Houlston, were born in April 2014. Teddy died just 100 minutes after birth. The couple told the newspaper that Teddy's kidneys have since been used to save the life of a patient with renal failure. "He lived and died a hero. It's impossible to explain how proud we are of him,"

Ethiopia: Swelling Ethiopian Migration Casts Doubt On Its Economic Miracle

Addis Ababa — The 28 Ethiopian migrants of Christian faith murdered by the Islamic State (IS) on Apr. 19 in Libya had planned to cross the Mediterranean Sea in search of work in Europe. Commenting on the killings to Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC), Ethiopian government spokesperson Redwan Hussien urged potential migrants not to risk their lives by using dangerous exit routes. Hussein's call sparked anger among hundreds of Ethiopian youths and relatives of the deceased, who took to the streets in the capital Addis Ababa this week before the demonstration was disbanded by the police, local media reported. Protestors cited the government's lukewarm response to the massacre of Orthodox Christians for their outrage, the Addis Standard reported. Later in the week, during a public rally organised by the government in the capital, violence again broke out between security forces and protesters resulting in injuries and the detention of over a hundred protesters, local and i